
Located in the wilds of Wyoming, the name Freshwater was chosen as a Western analogy to Christ. Just as He is the Living Water, and we must have Him to have eternal life, any desert dweller knows the importance of fresh water to life, both for self, and the nourishment of crops or livestock. By taking nourishment in God and His word, we strengthen our own relationship with Him, our faith, and the quality and abundance of our fruitfulness.

Our keystone verse is from Jeremiah, Chapter 17, Verse 8: "For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see whenSave heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit."

The fruit that we speak of is mentioned in Galatians 5:22
"22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."

And the heat could be anything we experience that might test our faith in God; trials and tribulations, relationships, anything that focuses our love and attention anywhere but on Him...

Friday, July 26, 2024

Hair by Jamie @ Jones-in for Color in Casper, WY

 I know, it has been so long since I posted! I just haven't made blogging a routine, even when I think of cool things, it goes in the idea folder. I have limited time and resources, and I'm focusing on other priorities.

That said, I definitely wanted to write this one, because it's a review of a local business, and isn't just about getting my ideas down in "print", but celebrating the success of an entrepreneur and making sure other people know to go there!

It had been a very long time since I had been to a salon. If you ever see my Facebook, you might notice that my hair is regularly of the "stuck in a light socket" variety, and even with a bunch of stuff in it to weight it down, tends to just frizz out around my head.  


On Monday, I had an appointment, my first at this salon, and with this stylist. I explained that I like my grey color, I feel like it's a badge I've earned, but the insane frizz drives me crazy and I just want to figure out a way to not look like I'm electrified. She made some suggestions to brighten and deepen the color and hopefully control the frizz, and away we went! 

I will tell you right now, Jamie Durand-Jones is amazing! I have had people straighten my hair before, most hairstylists do, just to make sure the cut is even. It usually looks not at all like me and not great. This looked great. No frizz, not heavy and mucky with piles of product to hold it, just soft, straight hair. My hair feels light, and it's soft.

When I got home from the salon!

When my hair has been straightened, it never holds. Usually it's escaped back into wild springs by that afternoon.  I took a photo the next day, and it looked salon worthy. I have never had my hair look that good on the second day. I forgot to take a photo on the third day, it still looked just as good and non-frizzed! 

The Next Day!

The next day I washed it and put nothing in it, not even curl cream or hair serum, because I wanted to see what it would do.

Thursday (3rd Full Day after)
Wet hair in the morning - left to air dry with no product at all


                                                                        After airdrying

I did have to pull it up today (Friday), because I was baking, but it wasn't frizzy and icky at all. It still looks great, I am comfortable wearing it down, and it is light. I am so happy with my hair and thrilled with Jamie at Jones-in for Color in Casper, Wyoming!!!!

Baking Friday

Also Friday, just down because I was finished baking.

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