"Let us remember him as a Great Friend. Then history can remember him
as the Greatest "Frank" that has ever lived. Without question. We all Love you Frank.
July 1994 - December 3, 2012."
If you've ever had a pet who became your best friend through the years, then you understand. Frank was J.W.'s compadre, his backup, his friend. For 18 years, they were inseparable, side by side, through the trials and tribulations, and the wonder of it all.
Frank came to be a part of our family right after I'd graduated from high school. He was J.W.'s buddy through and through. Named after Frank Thomas, he was black and white, like his namesake's White Sox uniform. The cat with character he was. Frank was known for his escapades, from chewing on people's toes in the middle of the night, to surviving a battle with a car, not to mention the way he could clear a room with his silent and deadly gas bombs.
We all knew to keep our toes under the blankets, but forgot to warn a friend of ours one night when he stayed with us on his way through. He's a pretty tall guy, and his toes undoubtedly were hanging off the end of his berth. In the middle of the night, we were awakened with a blood curdling scream when Frank decided that his toes looked right tasty.
One day my dad was on the road with some rodeo friends when he got a panicked phone call from Mom, upset because she'd backed over Frank with the car. $1,000 in vet bills later, he was right as rain and scampering around just as lively as ever. It also gave him the opportunity to go on a much needed diet, and probably in the end prolonged his life because he was healthier and more active after he slimmed down.
I just share a few stories with you to remember the great friend that Frank was. I haven't seen him in years, but I have fond memories and love for him, and my heart hurts for my brother right now.
In Memory of Frank, The Greatest "Frank" that ever lived, and a true friend.
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Kevin Collins